Source code for smarttimers.smarttimer



__all__ = ['SmartTimer']

import cProfile
    import numpy
except ImportError:
    HAS_NUMPY = False
    HAS_NUMPY = True
from functools import (partial, wraps)
import os
import re
import signal
import types
from collections import defaultdict
from .exceptions import TimerError
from .timer import Timer

[docs]class SmartTimer: """`Timer`_ container to perform time measurements in code blocks. Args: name (str, optional): Name of container. Default is *smarttimer*. kwargs (dict, optional): Map of options to configure the internal `Timer`_. Default is `Timer`_ defaults. A :class:`SmartTimer` allows recording elapsed time in an arbitrary number of code blocks. Specified points in the code are marked as either the beginning of a block to measure, :meth:`tic`, or as the end of a measured block, :meth:`toc`. Times are managed internally and ordered based on :meth:`tic` calls. Times can be queried, operated on, and written to file. The following schemes are supported for timing code blocks * Consecutive: ``tic('A')``, ``toc()``, ..., ``tic('B')``, ``toc()`` * Cascade: ``tic('A')``, ``toc()``, ``toc()``, ... * Nested: ``tic('A')``, ``tic('B')``, ..., ``toc()``, ``toc()`` * Label-paired: ``tic('A')``, ``tic('B')``, ..., ``toc('A')``, ``toc('B')`` * Mixed: arbitrary combinations of schemes Attributes: name (str): Name of container. May be used for filename in :meth:`write_to_file`. labels (list, str): Label identifiers of completed timed code blocks. active_labels (list, str): Label identifiers of active code blocks. seconds (list, float): Elapsed time for completed code blocks. minutes (list, float): Elapsed time for completed code blocks. times (dict): Map of times elapsed for completed blocks. Keys are the labels used when invoking :meth:`tic`. """ def __init__(self, name="", **kwargs): = name if name else self.DEFAULT_NAME self._timer = Timer(label="", **kwargs) # internal Timer self._first_tic = None # pointer used to calculate walltime self._last_tic = self._timer # pointer used to support cascade scheme self._timers = [] # completed time blocks self._timer_stack = [] # stack of active time blocks self._prof = None # profiling object @property def DEFAULT_NAME(self): return "smarttimer" @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @property def labels(self): return [t.label for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def active_labels(self): return [t.label for t in self._timer_stack] @property def seconds(self): return [t.seconds for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def minutes(self): return [t.minutes for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def relative_percent(self): return [t.relative_percent for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def cumulative_seconds(self): return [t.cumulative_seconds for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def cumulative_minutes(self): return [t.cumulative_minutes for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def cumulative_percent(self): return [t.cumulative_percent for t in filter(None, self._timers)] @property def times(self): times_map = defaultdict(list) for t in filter(None, self._timers): times_map[t.label].append(t.seconds) return times_map def __str__(self): # len('label') = 5 lw = max(5, max(map(len, self.labels))) if self.labels else 5 fmt_h = "{:>" + str(lw) + "}" + 6 * " {:>12}" + os.linesep fmt_d = "{:>" + str(lw) + "}" + 6 * " {:12.4f}" + os.linesep data = fmt_h.format('label', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'rel_percent', 'cum_sec', 'cum_min', 'cum_percent') for t in filter(None, self._timers): data += fmt_d.format(t.label, t.seconds, t.minutes, t.relative_percent, t.cumulative_seconds, t.cumulative_minutes, t.cumulative_percent) return data def __enter__(self): self.tic() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.toc()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, *keys): """Query time(s) of completed code blocks. Args: keys (str, slice, integer): Key(s) to select times. If string, then consider it as a label used in :meth:`tic`. If integer or slice, then consider it as an index (based on :meth:`tic` ordering). Key types can be mixed. Returns: None: If key did not match a completed `Timer`_ label. list, float: Time in seconds of completed code blocks. """ # Ensure 'key' is a single level iterable to allow loop # processing. When an iterable or multiple keys are passed, # the arguments are automatically organized as a tuple of # tuple of values ((arg1,arg2),). if isinstance(keys[0], tuple): keys = keys[0] seconds = [] for key in keys: if isinstance(key, str): seconds.extend(self.times[key]) elif isinstance(key, int): seconds.append(self._timers[key].seconds) elif isinstance(key, slice): seconds.append(self.seconds[key]) if not seconds: return None else: return seconds if len(seconds) > 1 else seconds[0]
def _update_cumulative_and_percent(self): """Set cumulative and percent attributes to completed timers. Percent calculations are based on :attr:`seconds`. """ total_seconds = sum(self.seconds) for i, t in enumerate(filter(None, self._timers)): # Skip timers already processed, only update percentages if t.cumulative_seconds < 0. or t.cumulative_minutes < 0.: t.cumulative_seconds = t.seconds t.cumulative_minutes = t.minutes if i > 0: t_prev = self._timers[i - 1] t.cumulative_seconds += t_prev.cumulative_seconds t.cumulative_minutes += t_prev.cumulative_minutes t.relative_percent = t.seconds / total_seconds t.cumulative_percent = t.cumulative_seconds / total_seconds
[docs] def tic(self, label=""): """Start measuring time. Measure time at the latest moment possible to minimize noise from internal operations. Args: label (str): Label identifier for current code block. """ # _last_tic -> timer of most recent tic self._last_tic = Timer(label=label) # _first_tic -> timer of first tic if self._first_tic is None: self._first_tic = self._last_tic # Insert Timer into stack, then record time to minimize noise self._timer_stack.append(self._last_tic) # Use 'None' as an indicator of active code blocks self._timers.append(None) # Measure time self._last_tic.time()
[docs] def toc(self, label=None): """Stop measuring time at end of code block. Note: In cascade regions, that is, multiple toc() calls, O(ms) noise will be introduced. In a future release, there is the possibility of correcting this noise, but even the correction is noise itself. Args: label (str): Label identifier for current code block. Returns: float: Measured time in seconds. Raises: TimerError, KeyError: If there is not a matching :meth:`tic`. """ # Error if no tic pair (e.g., toc() after instance creation) # _last_tic -> _timer if self._last_tic is self._timer: raise TimerError("'toc()' has no matching 'tic()'") # Measure time at the soonest moment possible to minimize noise from # internal operations. self._timer.time() # Stack is not empty so there is a matching tic if self._timer_stack: # Last item or item specified by label stack_idx = -1 # Label-paired timer. # Label can be "", so explicitly check against None. if label is not None: # Find index of last timer in stack with matching label for i, t in enumerate(self._timer_stack[::-1]): if label == t.label: stack_idx = len(self._timer_stack) - i - 1 break else: raise KeyError("label '{}' has no matching label" .format(label)) # Calculate time elapsed t_first = self._timer_stack.pop(stack_idx) t_diff = self._timer - t_first # Add extra attributes, use a negative sentinel value t_diff.relative_percent = -1. t_diff.cumulative_seconds = -1. t_diff.cumulative_minutes = -1. t_diff.cumulative_percent = -1. # Place time in corresponding position idx = [i for i, v in enumerate(self._timers) if v is None][stack_idx] self._timers[idx] = t_diff # Empty stack, use _last_tic -> timer from most recent tic else: t_diff = self._timer - self._last_tic # Add extra attributes, use a negative sentinel value t_diff.relative_percent = -1. t_diff.cumulative_seconds = -1. t_diff.cumulative_minutes = -1. t_diff.cumulative_percent = -1. # Use label. # Label can be "", so explicitly check against None. if label is not None: t_diff.label = label self._timers.append(t_diff) # Update cumulative and percent times when all timers have completed if all(self._timers): self._update_cumulative_and_percent() return t_diff.seconds
[docs] def walltime(self): """Compute elapsed time in seconds between first :meth:`tic` and most recent :meth:`toc`. :meth:`walltime` >= sum(:attr:`seconds`) """ if any(self._timers): return (self._timer.seconds - self._first_tic.seconds, self._timer.minutes - self._first_tic.minutes) else: return (0., 0.)
[docs] def print_info(self): """Pretty print information of registered clock.""" self._timer.print_info()
[docs] def remove(self, *keys): """Remove time(s) of completed code blocks. Args: keys (str, slice, integer): Key(s) to select times. If string, then consider it as a label used in :meth:`tic`. If integer or slice, then consider it as an index (based on :meth:`tic` ordering). Key types can be mixed. """ # Ensure 'key' is a single level iterable to allow loop # processing. When an iterable or multiple keys are passed, # the arguments are automatically organized as a tuple of # tuple of values ((arg1,arg2),). if isinstance(keys[0], tuple): keys = keys[0] for key in keys: if isinstance(key, str): for t in filter(None, self._timers[:]): if key == t.label: self._timers.remove(t) elif isinstance(key, int): for i, t in enumerate(filter(None, self._timers[:])): if key == i: self._timers.remove(t) elif isinstance(key, slice): for t in list(filter(None, self._timers))[key]: self._timers.remove(t)
[docs] def clear(self): """Empty internal storage.""" self._timers = [] self._timer_stack = [] self._timer.clear() self._first_tic = None self._last_tic = self._timer if self._prof: self._prof.clear() self._prof = None
[docs] def reset(self): """Restore :attr:`name`, reset clock to default value, and empty internal storage.""" = self.DEFAULT_NAME self._timer.reset() self.clear()
[docs] def dump_times(self, filename=None, mode='w'): """Write timing results to a file. If *filename* is provided, then it will be used as the filename. Otherwise :attr:`name` is used if non-empty, else the default filename is used. The extension *.times* is appended only if filename does not already has an extension. Using *mode* the file can be overwritten or appended with timing data. .. _`open`: Args: filename (str, optional): Name of file. mode (str, optional): Mode flag passed to `open`_. Default is *w*. """ if not filename: filename = if else self.DEFAULT_NAME if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]: filename += ".times" with open(filename, mode) as fd: # Remove excess whitespace used by __str__ fd.write(re.sub(r"\s*,\s*", ",", re.sub(r"^\s*|\s*$", "", str(self), flags=re.MULTILINE)))
[docs] def stats(self, label=None): """Compute total, min, max, and average stats for timings. Note: * An alphanumeric label is used as a word-bounded regular expression. * A non-alphanumeric label is compared literally. * If *label* is 'None' then all completed timings are used. Args: label (str, iterable, optional): String/regex used to match timer labels to select. Returns: `types.SimpleNamespace`_: Namespace with stats in seconds/minutes. """ timers = list(filter(None, self._timers)) # Label can be "", so explicitly check against None if label is None: seconds = self.seconds minutes = self.minutes selected = timers else: # Make strings iterate as strings, not characters if isinstance(label, str): label = [label] seconds = [] minutes = [] selected = [] for ll in label: for t in timers: if (ll.isalnum() \ and"\b{}\b".format(ll), t.label)) \ or ll == t.label: if t not in selected: seconds.append(t.seconds) minutes.append(t.minutes) selected.append(t) if selected: total_seconds = sum(seconds) total_minutes = sum(minutes) time_stats = { "total": (total_seconds, total_minutes), "min": (min(seconds), min(minutes)), "max": (max(seconds), max(minutes)), "avg": (total_seconds / len(seconds), total_minutes / len(minutes))} else: time_stats = {"total": None, "min": None, "max": None, "avg": None} return types.SimpleNamespace(**time_stats)
[docs] def sleep(self, seconds): """Sleep for given seconds.""" self._timer.sleep(seconds)
[docs] def to_array(self): """Return timing data as a list or numpy array (no labels). Data is arranged as a transposed view of :meth:`__str__` and :meth:`to_file` formats. .. _`numpy.ndarray`: Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_, list: Timing data. """ data = [self.seconds, self.minutes, self.relative_percent, self.cumulative_seconds, self.cumulative_minutes, self.cumulative_percent] if HAS_NUMPY: return numpy.array(data) return data
[docs] def pic(self, subcalls=True, builtins=True): """Start profiling. .. _`profile`: See `profile`_ """ self._prof = cProfile.Profile(timer=self._timer.clock, subcalls=subcalls, builtins=builtins) self._prof.enable()
[docs] def poc(self): """Stop profiling.""" self._prof.disable() self._prof.create_stats() self._prof.clear()
[docs] def print_profile(self, sort='time'): """Print profiling statistics.""" self._prof.print_stats(sort)
def get_profile(self): return self._prof.getstats()
[docs] def dump_profile(self, filename=None, mode='w'): """Write profiling results to a file. If *filename* is provided, then it will be used as the filename. Otherwise :attr:`name` is used if non-empty, else the default filename is used. The extension *.prof* is appended only if filename does not already has an extension. Using *mode* the file can be overwritten or appended with timing data. .. _`open`: Args: filename (str, optional): Name of file. mode (str, optional): Mode flag passed to `open`_. Default is *w*. """ if not filename: filename = if else self.DEFAULT_NAME if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]: filename += ".prof" self._prof.dump_stats(filename)